Welcome to the Liberals Foundation, a compassionate and altruistic organization deeply rooted in community service. Established in July 2009 and nestled on the grounds of Fourah Bay College at the University of Sierra Leone, we’re more than just a group of graduates from this prestigious institution. We are a movement.
Our non-governmental and non-profit making mission reaches beyond our membership, extending to the most deprived and vulnerable communities in Sierra Leone. Though we’ve not yet officially launched, our dedication is undeniable.
Since our inception, we’ve worked relentlessly to uplift our members and provide assistance to those in need across our country. From promoting the interests of our community to supporting those who are less fortunate, our heart lies in the soil of our homeland.
We are proud to be formally registered as Liberals Foundation (SL) Limited with the Office of the Cooperate Affairs Commission of the Republic of Sierra Leone.
Join us in making a difference, one step at a time, one life at a time. Together, we are strong. Together, we are the Liberals Elders Council.